Catching Sonic Wisps of Cataclysmic Mayhem
Author Janna Levin on gravitational waves and how the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatories help us detect them.
The Paleobiologist Who Inspired the Science in ‘Jurassic Park’
George Poinar, Jr.’s lifelong obsession with amber has led to remarkable discoveries of ancient specimens.
Van Gogh’s ‘Bedroom’ Walls Weren’t Always Blue
The Art Institute of Chicago recently made a surprising discovery about an iconic Van Gogh painting.
In the Serengeti, Clues to Life’s Persistence on Earth
Sean B. Carroll connects cell regulation at the molecular level to rules that govern the Serengeti ecosystem.
How Do You Teach a Robot Right From Wrong? Story Time.
Stories are a great medium for communicating social values.
What Places on the Planet Would You Save?
We compiled your responses into an interactive map.
Botanicals In Blue: A Victorian Woman’s Take On Algae
Anna Atkins, the first person to publish a book of photography, showed a predilection for botany.
Great Salt Lake’s Earthen Spiral
You can only see this artwork when the water level of Utah’s Great Salt Lake is below average levels.
To Stave Off Extinction, Make Half of Earth a Nature Reserve
E.O. Wilson says that the political and practical mechanisms to make half the world into a nature reserve already exist.