The Best of Science Friday, 2016
SciFri staffers pick their favorite stories and activities from the year.
From China, A Flock Of Fossils
Over the past three decades, fossil hunters have hit pay dirt in northeastern China, unearthing thousands of superbly preserved Mesozoic bird remains.
Breakthrough: Portraits Of Women In Science
Explore our short film anthology that follows women working at the forefront of their fields.
Bringing Color Back To The Dead
Conservators at the American Museum of Natural History are experimenting with how to recolor fading taxidermy displays.
The Stars Behind Our Stellar Classification System
Author Dava Sobel explains how a group of women astronomers helped develop the classification system that scientists use to identify stars today.
Space, Seen Through A Window
Astronaut Don Pettit has taken thousands of mesmerizing images during his three missions to the International Space Station.
What Happens If We Detect Extraterrestrial Intelligence?
Finding communicative aliens is a long shot, but if we do, here are a few next steps to consider.
How to Choose the Best Apples for Cooking
Varieties that are best for eating aren’t the best for cooking, and vice versa.
The Fungi In Your Future
A new start-up reimagines fungi as a multi-faceted, “programmable” material.