SciFri Extra: Charly Evon Simpson On ‘Behind The Sheet’
In this extended interview, playwright Charly Evon Simpson discusses the enslaved women whose bodies paved the way for modern gynecology.
The Season The Earth Shattered
In N.K. Jemisin’s novel “The Fifth Season,” the earth lashes back when humans begin to harm the planet—leaving behind a barren, broken world.
Take A Voyage To The Volcanoes With SciFri!
On February 18 in NYC, volcanologists and author N.K. Jemisin guide us through an evening of quakes, shakes, and geologic events.
The Doctor Who Saved Hamilton’s Son’s Life
David Hosack was much more than just the doctor present at the Hamilton-Burr duel. He was also a respected botanist who founded the first botanic garden in the U.S.
The Science Behind The Five-Second Rule
Let’s dig into the science and history of this urban myth.
Do Babies Experience Schadenfreude?
Author Tiffany Watt Smith and her nine-month-old baby meet with a developmental psychologist to find out what makes infants laugh—and when humans begin to experience joy out of other’s misfortunes.
The Best Of Science Friday, 2018
From Usain Bolt and volcanoes to a kid scientist-to-be and caterpillars, the Science Friday staff share their favorite stories from 2018.
The Mass Extinction Detectives
The End Triassic extinction paved the way for the dinosaurs by killing their competition—in an event that looks like climate change today.