‘Gladiator II’ And The Evidence For Colosseum Naval Battles
Lots of moments from “Gladiator II” are fiction. But some scientists think mock naval battles in the Colosseum totally happened.
Mirar al cielo para resolver los problemas de la Tierra
La astronomía en Latinoamérica busca poner la investigación al servicio de los problemas de la región. Falta inversión, pero hay talento.
How Insects Shaped Human Culture Over Millennia
In “The Insect Epiphany,” an entomologist explores the history of insects in art, food, engineering, and more.
Why More Highway Lanes Means More Traffic
As highways have become almost ubiquitous in the US, motorists travel faster and farther—resulting in more traffic.
Road Ecologists Want You To Fall In Love With Infrastructure
Why ask, “Why did the chicken cross the road?” when you can instead consider, “Why did the road cross the land?”
Intertwining The Lives Of Moths And Humans Through Music
A pair of musicians wrote a concept album inspired by moths—and found that humans have more in common with the insects than they expected.
El Regreso del GEDI: Escaneando el Amazonas con rayos láser
Un instrumento en la Estación Espacial Internacional recopila datos que ofrecen pistas sobre la deforestación en la Amazonia.
Benjamin Franklin And The American Experiment Collide On Stage
In the play “Franklinland,” Benjamin Franklin’s son takes centerstage in an exploration of his father’s life as a scientist, statesperson, and parent.
‘Salem’s Lot’ And The Bloody Fountain Of Youth
In this Stephen King adaptation, a vampire drinks blood to live forever. Can young blood have anti-aging effects for the living?
Join Us For A Celebration Of Extraordinary Science News
Cheers to another trip around the Sun! Join us December 6th for a look back at this year’s science news with Ira Flatow and special guests.