Mercury: How It Made Cats Dance
Mercury has captivated humanity for ages. But what happens when it invades a town?
How You Can Become A Better Bystander
Researchers say that understanding the psychology behind the bystander effect can help increase the odds of stepping in during an emergency.
Alcohol: History’s Favorite Mind-Bending Substance
And the time the U.S. government went to unthinkable lengths to pry it away.
How The Age Of Mars Rovers Began
Perseverance is the fifth rover to land on the Red Planet. NASA scientists remember Mars Pathfinder’s Sojourner—the 90s experimental endeavor that started it all.
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Options Texas Lawmakers Are Considering To Prevent Future Blackouts
The recent winter storm and blackouts in Texas brought the state’s aging infrastructure into painful focus. Here’s what may change.
Robot: Making A Mechanical Mind
A mind we create isn’t necessarily a mind we can control.
Why The Word “Lunacy” Comes From The Moon
How an ancient belief in the mind-altering power of the moon gave us a word.
The 18th Century Health Craze Behind The Word “Mesmerize”
It all started when a doctor with some peculiar methods showed up in Paris.
Uncovering The Vibrant City Life Of Ancient Cahokia
From towering earthen pyramids to bustling ceremonial centers, this Native American city was once the largest urban center in North America.