The Voices That Shaped 30 Years Of Science Friday
For three decades, Science Friday has connected scientists with the public. Listen to the voices that have shaped our show.
Jargon: We Love To Hate It
Most people despise it. So why do we use it? And is all jargon bad?
Algebra: From Broken Bones To Twitter Feuds
When a high school student asked a question about algebra on TikTok, she unknowingly awoke an age-old debate in mathematics history.
Peek Inside Dr. Fauci’s Picture Book Biography
View excerpts from the illustrated story of young Anthony Fauci’s journey: from ‘sewer baseball’ to ‘America’s doctor.’
Earn P.D. Certificates At SciFri’s Educator Phenomena Forum
On November 4, K-12 STEM teachers are invited to Science Friday’s free professional development series, this time all about space!
Science Diction: Knock On Wood And Tsunami
The origin of a superstitious phrase, and a Japanese word that’s staked its place in English.
Preview: The Science Friday Book Club Reads ‘Rising’
Elizabeth Rush explores climate change, flooding, and its effects on vulnerable communities in ‘Rising.’ We’ll read it together this fall.
Gathering From Coast To Coast Around Climate Change
This October, The SciFri Book Club team is gathering to explore this fall’s Book Club pick, ‘Rising: Dispatches from the New American Shore.’
What Coastal Retreat Looks Like On Isle de Jean Charles
On an island shrinking from rising seas, Indigenous communities battle to save their historic land from coastal flooding.