Join Us Live With Astronauts Aboard The International Space Station
Watch astronauts answer student questions about space research and daily life aboard the Station—live from space!
La hazaña de construir el telescopio más grande del mundo
El Observatorio Europeo Austral está construyendo en el desierto de Atacama un titánico telescopio que revolucionará la exploración cósmica.
‘Y2K’ Fictionalizes The Past Cyber Threat—But More Are Coming
On the 25th anniversary of the Y2K scare, the eponymous film pokes fun at internet disasters. But real disruptions may loom in the future.
What History Tells Us About How We Got To Today’s Climate Crisis
The human penchant for environmental destruction can be traced to historical greed for resources, power, and liberation from nature.
Las latinas en ciencia espacial quieren dejar de ser la excepción
Unas científicas espaciales de Guatemala, Costa Rica y Argentina hablan de sus retos y sus logros.
Our Favorite 2024 Science Books For Kids
You asked for science book recommendations for the kids in your life. Two bookworm experts respond—and share their own favorites.
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Join Us Live With Astronauts Aboard The Space Station
Watch astronauts answer student questions about space research and daily life aboard the station—live from space!
Puerto Rico y la ciencia espacial después de Arecibo
¿Cómo llenar el vacío del radiotelescopio más potente del mundo? Cuatro años después de su colapso, comienza un nuevo capítulo.
How Metaphors Help—And Hurt—Science
Metaphors can help us understand complicated scientific concepts. But they can also have a downside.