How To Extract DNA From A 500 Year-Old Human Tooth
Genetic anthropologist Jennifer Raff walks through the delicate and precise art of obtaining DNA samples from centuries-old human remains.
SciFri Is Hosting Virtual Trivia Nights—And You’re Invited
Be the most popular person in your group thread: bring your team to the nerdiest virtual trivia night out there, full of science nerdiness!
A Future Where Gene Editing Is A Federal Crime
From this SciFri Book Club pick, a peek into a world where gene editing is a crime—or, as some believe, the only way to save humanity.
Read Blake Crouch’s ‘Upgrade’ With The SciFri Book Club
Blake Crouch imagines a world where your genome can be hacked in his new sci-fi thriller ‘Upgrade.’ Read it with us this August.
Recruiting New Brain Donors For Science
A live Q&A and radio broadcast inspired over 1,000 listeners to pledge their brains to scientific research. Future brain donors share their motivations and questions about brain donation.
How Science Came To See Ultraviolet Light In Animals
Ultraviolet perception is incredibly common in animals—just not in humans. Ed Yong dives into the history of how scientists saw the light.
How Mammals Came to Dominate The World
From reptile-like ancestors to humans, the new book The Rise and Reign of the Mammals tackles the diversity of mammals like us.
World War I’s Operation Face Lift
Medical historian and author Lindsey Fitzharris explores the history of facial reconstruction surgery, starting with a ballerina’s rump.
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How Sexual Intercourse Was Invented, 385 Million Years Ago
Okay, but how exactly did sex come about? Science journalist Rachel Feltman dives into the saucy science of doing it.