Join Our Ship-To-Shore Livestream And Talk To An Ocean Scientist
On June 27, talk to ocean scientists and ask your questions in a special ship-to-shore livestream from the ocean floor.
Grab This Free Kit And Celebrate Cephalopods
Celebrate Cephalopod Week with our free kit full of party tips, mind-blowing videos, book suggestions, and fun STEM activities.
What Do Two Anesthesiologists Do For The Fears Of A General Audience?
Using an Ask-An-Expert model leads to increased knowledge and comfort levels on anesthesia for audiences.
The Impressive Health Benefits Of Engaging With The Arts
We intrinsically know that art is good for us, but now we have much more scientific evidence detailing its health benefits.
The Surprising Ways Art Changes Our Brains And Bodies
‘Your Brain On Art’ examines new research about the effectiveness of art in healthcare and the benefits of picking up a daily arts practice.
Exploring The Enigmatic World Of Owls
A new book by Jennifer Ackerman explores the accomplished predator’s contradictions.
Discoveries In The Deep Oceans
Join SciFri as we explore the mysteries of the deep ocean with celebrations, ship-to-shore science missions, and fun design challenges.
This Violinist Is Making Ultra-Affordable 3D-Printed Violins For Kids
A concert violinist is developing a 3D-printed violin that costs $7, in hopes of lowering the barrier to getting kids into music.
The Fascinating Case For Bees’ Feelings
Pollination ecologist Stephen Buchman makes the case that bees aren’t just smart, but sentient, too.
Unpacking What You Know About Fat People
Author and podcast host Aubrey Gordon debunks stereotypes and discusses anti-fat bias in healthcare.