How a London Sewer Inspired a Search for Unusual Sounds
What might be considered a sound “defect” can be fascinating to listen to.
Letting the Inner Athlete Shine, With a Techno-Boost
For Olympians, there’s interplay between natural athletic ability and suits that provide that extra edge.
Why Olympic Curling Stones Come From This Scottish Island
A small Scottish island is now the sole source of Olympic curling stone granite.
Meet John Weller, Our Winter Nature Photo Contest Judge
This nature photographer is drawn to pictures that capture a subject’s essence and tell a story.
The Internet’s Dark Side, Exposed in Three New Films
Three documentaries raise important questions about Internet use, from its effect on our personal relationships to our right to access information.
A Nanoparticle Heart
This heart-shaped nanoparticle contains a trio of elements that helps drive the oxidation of ethanol in fuel cells.
Seeing (and Feeling) the Future of Virtual Reality With the Oculus Rift
SciFri tests out the cutting-edge virtual reality device at this year’s Sundance Film Festival.
Vote in SciFri’s Winter Nature Photo Contest
Vote for your favorite winter snapshot in the contest.
The New Frontiers of Filmmaking, at Sundance
This year, the Sundance Film Festival’s New Frontier exhibition explored humanity’s evolving relationship with technology.