From Antlers to Tusks: Our Obsession With Extreme Animal Weapons
An excerpt from “Animal Weapons.”
10 Questions for Allen Bard, Father of Modern Electrochemistry
Allen Bard might be known for pioneering research in electrochemiluminescence, among other contributions to science, but he counts his students as his proudest achievement.
Death Under Glass
An exhibit at Philadelphia’s Mütter Museum offers a peek through a forensic pathologist’s microscope.
Gift Of The Mummy
A patient more than 3,000 years-old takes a turn through a CT scanner.
#ObserveEverything…Including the Cat
In the book “Lost Cat,” two feline fans reveal how methodical observation and GPS technology helped solve a kitty mystery.
Though They Be Tiny, These Algae Be Hardy
This hard-scaled algae adapted to increased temperatures and acidification of the water—and continued absorbing CO2.
Live From South Bend, Indiana
Video from Science Friday’s live show at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana.
A Jaguar Needs a Root Canal? The Dentist Is In
Veterinary dentist Brook Niemiec treats an ark of animals, from man’s best friend to lions, tigers, and bears.