The Silk Road’s Turn Toward Biotechnology
Using a protein found in silkworm moth cocoons, researchers at Tufts University in Boston are developing a range of biodegradable materials and therapeutic devices.
What Role Does the Sun Play in Vitamin D Synthesis?
The sun kickstarts a process that converts a vitamin D precursor into the active form your body needs.
The Story Behind That Iconic Milk Drop Picture
An engineer creates a perfect liquid crown using innovative flash photography.
The Origin Of The Word ‘Sun’
You’ve heard of “heliocentric.” So why don’t we call it the “helio?”
Limpet Teeth Tell of Daily Grind
The title-holder for strongest biological material goes to a small mollusk.
A Date Palm Named Methuselah
An excerpt from “The Triumph of Seeds,” by Thor Hanson.
The Fine Art of Toxic Waste
An engineer and an artist are transforming pollution from coal mines into pigments used to tint paint.
How the Bombardier Beetle Packs Its Punch
Researchers have figured how a toxin-spraying beetle packs its pulsing punch.