Boughs Of Folly: Science Blunders In National Lampoon’s ‘Christmas Vacation’
What can we learn from the Griswolds’ many mishaps?
Motorcycles, Music, and a ‘Miracle’ Drug: Which Oliver Sacks Book Should We Read for the SciFri Book Club?
The SciFri Book Club celebrates the literary legacy of Oliver Sacks by reading one of his modern classics. Help us pick it!
Building A ‘Beest’ Fit For The Beach
Dutch artist Theo Jansen has spent 25 years constructing massive sculptures designed to crawl, scuttle, and stride along the beach.
How To Make Your Own Lightsaber
One “Star Wars” fan shares best practices for a DIY lightsaber.
The Week-After Science Friday Quiz! 12/14/15
What do you know about bananas and Pluto?
Can Failure Be an End in Itself?
Science is constantly being revised, and failure is crucial to the process.
These Fish Posed for Pencils, Not Cameras
Artist Joseph Tomelleri’s scientific drawings of Salish Sea fishes can be easily mistaken for photographs.
The Week-After Science Friday Quiz! 12/08/15
How much do you know about the current climate talks, Kurt Vonnegut’s brother, and homemade sour cream?
The ‘Rebellious Scientist’ Who Inspired Kurt Vonnegut
The story behind the Kurt Vonnegut story about an antiwar scientist named Professor Barnhouse.
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