Contribute Your Voice To SciFri Stories!
Ask a question, share an experience, or send us photos. We might feature your contribution on our radio show, social media, newsletters, or website!
When we cover a story, we’re always asking ourselves how our audience might think about or experience that topic. We invite you to join the conversation and help shape Science Friday’s stories by sharing your questions, insights, or personal experiences.
Scroll down to see opportunities to contribute to upcoming stories. Everyone is welcome to participate in any story that resonates with them by making a submission through the forms below. Your contribution may be featured on our radio show, website, social media, or other platforms.
Here are some ways you can contribute your voice to Science Friday’s upcoming programming. Feel free to email us at or leave a voicemail at 1-646-767-6532 in response to these prompts, or submit using our forms linked below.
For more instructions on how to record a Voice Memo on an iPhone, visit this page. Android users—download one of the many voice recording apps from the Google Play store (like Voice Memos or Smart Voice Recorder) to get started.
We love it when our listeners ask us questions about science. Subscribe to this newsletter to be the first to hear about our upcoming stories and submit questions for our experts!