The Alchemy Of Us: Author Livestream And Q&A

On November 20, we talk about how our values are baked into our creations—and the people who helped bring them into reality.

Event promotional image. In top left corner, SciFri Book Club logo, with event info below, which reads: "The Alchemy of Us: Author Livestream + Q&A with Ainissa Ramirez. How our inventions have changed human history—and the way our values and stories are baked into the things we create" November 20, 1:00pm ET, Online + Free, To the left of the frame is an image of THE ALCHEMY OF US book cover and the headshot of the author, a black woman with glasses and a shaved head. The background is a close-up photo of an ancient clock.

The Alchemy of Us: Author Livestream and Q&A

  • When: Monday, November 20 at 1:00pm ET / 10:00am PT
  • Where: Science Friday’s YouTube livestream
  • Tickets: Free! RSVP for updates

RSVP for Nov 20

You may have an idea of how our inventions have changed human history and transformed our relationship with the world. Hear from materials scientist Ainissa Ramirez, author of The Alchemy of Us: How Humans and Matter Transformed One Another, on how the reverse is also true—the way our values and stories are baked into the things we create, and the lesser-known people who helped bring them into reality.

Come with your queries and wonderings—we’ll be taking your questions via the livestream comments.

This event is a part of the SciFri Book Club November 2023 pick. Find out more about our book club on this month’s main page.

Meet the Writer

About Diana Plasker

Diana Plasker is the Senior Manager of Experiences at Science Friday, where she creates live events and partnerships to delight and engage audiences in the world of science.

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