Kick Off Brain Awareness Week With Science Friday
Discover the power of your brain with livestream Q&As, trivia, puzzles, and more with SciFri’s Hack Your Brain!
If ‘Interstellar’ Were Made Today, What Would Be Different?
The science advisor for “Interstellar” discusses the film’s impact, and how new information about gravitational waves could have changed it.
Flora Lichtman To Host Science Friday Alongside Ira Flatow
Veteran science journalist Flora Lichtman has been named a Host of Science Friday, joining Ira at the mic.
A Play About Pregnancy Inspired By Mushroom Research
Playwrights and scientists teamed up to create plays based on scientific research. One of them explores pregnancy through fungal computing.
Workshop: Putting The “A” In STEAM
Blend creativity with science, engineering and math through interactive projects and digital art in this free workshop.
Workshop: Exploring Science Through Stories
Discover how interactive read-alouds can transform your elementary science curriculum in this workshop for formal and informal educators.
En defensa de la ciencia hecha en Latinoamérica
Dado lo poco que vemos en América Latina a nuestros astrónomos y astrónomas, es un milagro que sigamos produciéndolos.
The Best of Science Friday, 2024
Fossil sales, a solar eclipse, and hacking your brain: This was a big year for science. Our staff pick their favorite projects.
6 Creative Ways People Are Preserving Nature—And You Can Too
Read a roundup of stories about creative ways people are preserving and protecting nature from our “Tiny Nature Triumphs” newsletter.
Join Us Live With Astronauts Aboard The International Space Station
Watch astronauts answer student questions about space research and daily life aboard the Station—live from space!