
2012 Nobel Prizes Recognize Pioneering Science

The 2012 Nobel Prize winners were announced this week, and research on stem cells, cloning, cell receptors and quantum optics took center stage. Experts discuss how the work of this year’s Nobel laureates changed our understanding of our bodies, and the world around us.

Segment Guests

Seth Lloyd

Seth Lloyd is a professor of quantum mechanical engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and author of Programming the Universe (Knopf, 2006) in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

David Scadden

David Scadden is a co-director of the Harvard Stem Cell Institute at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

David Agus

David Agus is a director of the USC Center for Applied Molecular Medicine and USC Westside Cancer Center at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, California.

Meet the Producer

About Denise Chow

Denise Chow is a sci-tech editor at Live Science and a former associate producer for Science Friday.