Mission Sensor Watch: Cool Your Community

Mission Sensor Watch: Cool Your Community

Grade Level

6 - 8


45 to 90 minutes


Physical Science, Engineering and Tech

Do you see the red lines on the map below? What do you think they mean? What patterns do they seem to follow?

A thermal map of Chicago captured by sensors on the ISS. The map uses a color spectrum to represent surface temperatures, with a legend at the bottom indicating temperatures from 40°F (deep blue/purple) to 110°F (white). The map reveals a complex pattern of heat distribution across the urban landscape. Red and white areas, indicating the highest temperatures are prominent along major roads and in densely built-up areas, likely commercial or industrial zones. Yellow and light green areas are widespread, representing residential neighborhoods with a mix of buildings and vegetation. Dark green and blue areas are less common but visible in patches, likely corresponding to parks, water bodies, or areas with dense vegetation. The image clearly illustrates the urban heat island effect, where man-made structures and surfaces retain more heat than natural landscapes.
A heat map of Chicago, showing surface temperatures measured from the International Space Station. Credit: NASA

Did you know that NASA looks at global weather from space? They use more than 350,000 sensors on the International Space Station (ISS) to collect data and turn it into images like the one above, representing the heat radiating from the streets. You can use these images to make informed decisions for city planning to build healthier communities. Wow!

Take another look at the map and check out the legend at the bottom. What does it tell you? What do the different colors mean? What do you think it would feel like if you were taking a walk on one of the roads marked in red?

Compare the temperatures in the image with those in your city. Use a weather app to determine the temperature in your community today. Make sure you get the temperature in Fahrenheit, like the legend on the map above, and not in Celsius. Are the temperatures in your area hotter or cooler than the temperatures shown on the map above?


Check Surface Temperatures In Your Neighborhood

The temperature reported for the weather is the average air temperature in a given environment—the ambient temperature. However, as you can see on the map above, the surface temperature can vary greatly by location. You can use some old-school sensor technology to measure the surface temperature around your neighborhood and compare it to the ambient temperature.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Record the ambient air temperature reported by a weather app for your area on the Sensor Watch chart.
  2. Take a thermometer outside and put it on the pavement in a parking lot or similar area. NOTE: Watch for cars. We suggest adult supervision for this activity.
  3. Make a prediction: Will the temperature on the pavement be hotter or cooler than the ambient temperature around you?
  4. After five minutes, record the temperature from the paved surface on the chart.
  5. Move the thermometer to the grass or a mulched plant bed.
  6. Make a prediction: Do you think the temperature on the grass will be hotter or cooler than your reading from the pavement?
  7. After five minutes, record the temperature of the grass’s surface on the chart.
  8. If you have the time and space available, select some other locations to test the surface temperature and record the results.
A table has columns for location, predicted temperature, and measured temperature. It has rows for ambient temperature for your area, pavement, and grass or mulch, as well as two blank rows.
Record the surface temperatures you measure using a chart like the one above. Credit: Sandy Roberts

How do the surface temperatures vary based on the material? Why do you think the surface material affects the surface temperature?

Measuring Temperature From Space

The image shows an ECOSTRESS LST (Land Surface Temperature) map of the Los Angeles area and surrounding regions in Southern California. The map uses a color scale to represent temperatures ranging from 54°F (blue) to 72°F (red). The coastal areas and some inland regions show cooler temperatures in blue and green, while most inland areas display warmer temperatures in yellow, orange, and red. The temperature distribution creates a patchwork effect, with notable hot spots in red and cooler areas in blue, potentially indicating urban heat islands and variations in land cover or elevation.
ECOSTRESS captured surface temperature variations in Los Angeles between July 22 and August 14 at different times of day. This map of Los Angeles shows that the streets of the more urban areas are the hottest. As you move away from the city into the suburbs, which have more grassy lawns and parks, the surface is cooler. Credit: NASA/JPL

Scientists orbiting the Earth on the ISS are mapping the radiant heat of the Earth’s surfaces. For this job, they use ECOSTRESS sensors. These sensors look at the heat of the streets in your community and plants living in your parks.

ECOSTRESS is a short name for the ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station. In the simplest terms, ECOSTRESS is a really fancy thermometer that measures heat on the surface of Earth from about 250 miles up in the air. (Driving a car the same distance on the highway at approximately 60 mph would take you about four hours.) Scientists originally designed the sensors to detect plant health by measuring the temperature on the surface of the Earth. However, in 2024, researchers from across the globe came together at the ECOSTRESS Science and Application Team Meeting to share how they are using data to monitor everything from an active volcano in Naples, Italy, to tracking agricultural productivity and water use in drylands in the United States. They are even using the data to predict wildfire hotspots and biodiversity levels.

A sensor module encased in big blocky white metal cases attached to the International Space Station floating high above the Earth.
The ECOSTRESS module attached to the International Space Station looks a lot different than your thermometer. Why may that be? Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Take a look at the diagram below. What do you notice? What do you think the different parts do? Does this look like the thermometer you used earlier?

Technical diagram of the ECOSTRESS sensor against a partial Earth backdrop. The main structure is a rectangular box with complex internal components visible. Labeled parts include Flight Releasable Grapple Fixture (FRGF) on top, Scan Mirror, H-Fixture, JEM-EF Payload Interface Unit (PIU) on the left side, Nadir Baffle at the bottom. The interior shows intricate mechanical and electronic systems in various colors. Red arrows at the bottom indicate thermal infrared radiation from Earth entering the device. The structure appears designed for Earth observation or climate monitoring. The image provides a cutaway view, revealing the sophisticated internal arrangement of scientific instruments and support systems.
The ECOSTRESS sensor uses a variety of instruments to collect, focus, and record the heat waves radiating from the Earth’s surface. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Much like your thermometer, the ECOSTRESS collects and records Thermal Infrared Radiation—heat waves—using a variety of instruments. The Nadir Baffle helps focus the heat being collected. The double-sided scan mirror spins almost every second, collecting data from a wide area. Unlike a common mirror, this scanning mirror collects heat imagery instead of visual images.

This image shows a land surface temperature (LST) map of Southern California, focusing on the area from Los Angeles to Death Valley. The map uses a color scale ranging from blue (coolest) to red (hottest), with temperatures between 10°C and 30°C. A scale bar in the top right indicates 0 to 50 to 100 km distances. Los Angeles appears in cooler blue tones near the middle left. Death Valley is marked as the hottest area in bright red, with a label indicating >33°C at 7 a.m.. The Pacific Ocean is visible in dark blue on the bottom left. The right side of the image shows the natural terrain in gray scale, contrasting with the colorized temperature data.
On the right, this image shows a topographical satellite image of Southern California. On the left, the ECOSTRESS ground surface data is overlaid on the image, providing additional information about the temperature. NASA/JPL-Caltech

The Impact Of Heat On Community Health

Using maps to visualize heat data can help you better understand climate change and the impact of urbanization and heat islands on your communities. If you look at these images over time, you can see how construction and development—urbanization—creates more heat islands and reduces the coverage of the surface with plants, which cool the surface and atmosphere.

This image shows a pair of maps representing a change in drought conditions in the same location captured by ECOSTRESS. The top map is from October 16, 2019. The bottom map is from October 16, 2020. Each map includes a larger regional view and a zoomed-in area highlighted by a black rectangle. The maps use a color scale ranging from blue (low stress/40% evaporative stress) to red (high stress/80% evaporative stress). The regional views show a satellite image with colored overlays indicating stress levels. The zoomed-in views show more detailed patterns with blue dots scattered throughout. The image includes scale bars for regional (0 to 100 to 200 km) and zoomed-in (0 to 2.5 to 5 km) views. The image on the top shows many areas in yellow, while the bottom image shows many areas in red.
This image shows drought stress measured by ECOSTRESS in the same place in October 2019 and 2020. Look at the color changes. What does that tell you about the amount of drought stress. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) research indicates that heat Islands compromise human health and comfort. Cities that have heat islands often have higher daytime temperatures, less cooling at night, and higher air pollution levels. These changes can lead to heat-related deaths and heat-related illnesses, such as respiratory issues, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke. Heat Islands also increase energy consumption because people use air conditioning more frequently. Increased energy use often leads to increased emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases. Increased energy use can also lead to a reduction in water quality due to stormwater runoff, which puts heated water into our streams and harms aquatic life.

As a citizen scientist, your job is to come up with simple actions and models that can reduce the impact of urban sprawl and to understand how hot is too hot for human comfort and health. What temperature is too hot for you? Ask your friends or family members what temperature feels too hot to them. Is it the same for you? That comfort level can be very personal. That’s why you need objective data! Tracking changes over time can help you understand the effects of climate change on your community.

Related Segment

Hot Enough For You? Cooling The Worsening Urban Heat Island

Heat Mapping Your Community

In the next activity, you will look at a map of your community and predict where you think the radiant heat would be highest based on your previous investigation with the thermometer. Then, you will consider five approaches to reducing heat in communities, select the best for your community, and develop a model to address radiant heat in your city. To help you organize your thoughts, we’ve created a journal for your work.

To get started, you need to get to know your community. Start by exploring NASA’s resources and data. Then, access a Google Map of your own community. The video below demonstrates how to use satellite images on Google Maps to analyze a community and make predictions. After watching the video, you will perform a similar analysis on your own community.

Get To Know Your Community

  1. Using Google Maps, search the address you would like to research, such as you school or home.
  2. Select the map area you are interested in. Use the plus and minus buttons on the bottom right corner of the screen to zoom in and out.
  3. In the bottom left corner, select Layers. Then, select Satellite.

NOTE: Visually impaired? Consider using Audiom to create your map.

As you look at the satellite image maps of your community and investigate potential sources of radiant heat, ask yourself these questions:

  • Where on your map do you think temperatures would be hottest? Where would be coolest?
  • What topographical features do you think make areas on your map hotter or cooler?
  • Where do you think there could be a heat island? What features could cause a heat island to form?
  • What other problem areas can you identify? What areas provide benefits to the community?

Make a heat map style drawing of your community. It does not need to be as detailed as the images from ECOSTRESS, above. Start by coloring broad areas using paper and colored pencils or an online drawing app like Canva. Use these instructions as a guide and refer to the sample image below for ideas.

Make A Heat Map Of Your Community

  1. Any areas that you predict would be over 70 degrees, mark as hot and color it red. Be sure to show where you think you might find heat islands in your community, like parking lots, streets, and highways. In rural areas, large patches of bare soil and recently plowed fields,  fields with minimal vegetation, and fields using a large amount of agricultural plastic can also be heat islands.
  2. Areas that you predict would be cooler, under 60 degrees, mark as green. These are likely to be grassy areas like sports fields, parks, and bodies of water.
  3. Finally, mark anything in yellow that’s kind of in the middle, between 60 and 70 degrees. These areas are likely to be less densely populated than areas with lots of buildings and roads.
  4. Remember to include a legend to show what each color represents in your drawing.

Here’s an example drawing based on predictions about the same urban area in New Jersey described in the video.

This image is composed of two side-by-side panels comparing the actual landscape of an area with a drawing illustrating urban heat island effects. On the left, is a satellite view of an urban area, Toms River, New Jersey. It shows dense residential areas, some green spaces, and water bodies. Roads are visible, with Route 37 prominently marked. Several points of interest are highlighted, including East Dover Elementary School and Toms River East High School.On the left is a simplified heat map of the same area. It uses color coding to represent different temperature zones with red as hot areas, yellow as warm areas, green as cool areas, and blue as water. The heat map shows mostly warm (yellow) areas with patches of cool (green) zones, corresponding to parks or forested areas. Water bodies are represented in blue. Thin red lines represent major roads that cross through the warm areas. A legend in the bottom right corner explains the color coding of the heat map.
On the left is the satellite map show Time River East High School and the surrounding area. On the right is one student’s heat map predictions. Credit: Tiffany Lucey and Fai Kosciolek

As you review your drawing, ask yourself this question: What story does the data tell about the potential effects of radiant heat in your community?

NOTE: Want a bigger challenge? Use five colors and break down the temperature range by five degrees rather than 10. Or use Looking for something a little easier? Print the satellite map and tape a layer of plastic wrap over it. Then, use dry erase markers to color areas that you think would be hot or cool. Reduce the colors used to just red and green.

Imagine A Solution For Heat Islands In Your Community

Now that you understand the potential problem areas in your community, take action! Imagine you are an architect working with the EPA to help improve your community’s health and sustainability by reducing heat islands. The EPA suggests five big ways to cool heat islands:

  • Increase the number of plants in the area, by adding park land and more green spaces.
  • Use cool paving materials that may require coatings over existing concrete or asphalt, or even new grass greenways.
  • Build green roofs in which a rooftop garden can provide more shade. Green roofs can be 30–40 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than non-green roofs.
  • Install cool roofs, which absorb less heat due to their color (typically white) and reflective properties.
  • Plan smart growth projects that add green infrastructure improvements to regular street upgrades.

Consider the red areas on the map you drew. Which of the five big ways to reduce heat islands would work best for your community? Why do you think that solution would work for your community? How would you know your solution is successful?

Add to your drawing of the community or make a new drawing. Mark where you would include features or change the infrastructure to reduce heat islands. Or, if you prefer, draw a detailed sketch of one change you would make, describe where you would add this new feature, and what it would include.

This image shows a simplified heat map with suggested environmental improvements. The map uses color coding: red for hot areas, yellow for warm areas, green for cool areas, and blue for water bodies. Two main suggestions are highlighted. The first says to add rooftop gardens on top of car dealerships and shopping centers. This is indicated by four small garden icons in a red (hot) area on the left side of the image. The second suggestion says to add trees to the center of the highway. This is shown by a line of tree icons along a red strip representing the road.
In this illustration, a student has suggested adding trees to the center of a highway to provide shade and rooftop gardens on large buildings to reduce heat islands. What features would you suggest? Credit: Fai Kosciolek and Sandy Roberts
This image shows an architectural rendering of a modern, multi-story building with an integrated green space. The building features a sleek, white exterior with multiple levels visible, each with balconies and large windows. A glass-enclosed walkway or atrium spans across the center of the building. The foreground showcases a lush, garden-like area with a variety of plants, trees, and a winding blue-green stream. The landscaping includes flowering plants, ferns, and mature trees that partially obscure the building's lower levels. Silhouettes of people are scattered throughout the garden area, suggesting a busy, communal space. In the foreground, a group of five young boys in navy blue uniforms are prominently featured.
This illustration of a proposed garden to replace a paved area was made by students at the School of Science and Technology in Singapore. Credit: Wrc Ynapmoc

If you have the time and materials available, build a diorama model of your solution using a shoebox, scrap cardboard, and craft materials.

When you’ve planned your solution, share it! Post your heat island solution for your community in the Down to Earth Community Lab so others can try it out. Share a photo, and we’ll include it HERE for everyone to see!

Join the Community Lab!

Note: If you share your solution, no identifying information will be shared, and permission must be granted by an adult.

Want To Learn More?

Are you excited about the idea of improving your community and reducing heat islands? There are lots of ways you can get involved and learn more!

NGSS Standards:

  • MS-PS3-3: Energy – Apply scientific principles to design, construct, and test a device that either minimizes or maximizes thermal energy transfer.
  • MS-PS4-2: Waves and their Applications in Technologies – Develop and use a model to describe.
  • MS-ESS3-3: Earth and Human Activity – Apply scientific principles to design a method for monitoring and minimizing a human impact on the environment.
  • MS-ETS1-1: Engineering Design – Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions
  • MS-ETS1-2: Engineering Design – Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.

Lesson by Tiffany Lucey
Copyediting by Erica Williams
Digital Production by Sandy Roberts

A black and white illustration image of the ISS>

Special thanks to the ISS National Laboratory and the Center for Advancement of Science in Space™ (CASIS™) for funding this resource. Working together with NASA, the ISS National Lab aims to leverage the space station to inspire the next generation.

This resource is part of Science Friday’s Down To Earth: Space Science For Community Change program.

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About Tiffany Lucey

Tiffany Lucey links curriculum with instruction, and identifies student needs while consistently seeking alternative sources of funding. As a former Teacher of the Year for mathematics and computer science, she has become known for her interdisciplinary maker approach to learning.

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Down To Earth: Space Science For Community Change

Use innovation from the International Space Station to solve real-world environmental challenges in your community.

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