Gathering From Coast To Coast Around Climate Change

This October, The SciFri Book Club team is gathering to explore this fall’s Book Club pick, ‘Rising: Dispatches from the New American Shore.’

illustrated stack of books with text "scifri book club"

This story is a part of our fall Book Club conversation about ‘Rising: Dispatches From the New American Shore.’ Want to participate? Join our online community space or record a voice message on the Science Friday VoxPop app.

The Science Friday Book Club is back this fall! This time, we are exploring climate change, coastal flooding, and its effects on communities around the country with Elizabeth Rush’s Rising: Dispatches from the New American Shore. It is a book that speaks directly from the people who are experiencing these changes firsthand, and we’re excited to introduce you to both those people, and the places they live. 

The Fall 2021 season kicks off on October 1, 2021. Check out and RSVP for all the upcoming events below.

Join us for a SciFri Zoom call-in, where attendees can listen in as the Science Friday team records an interview with science experts. Attendees could be selected to ask their questions live with our guests! 

Virtual Event: How Sea Level Rise Is Changing The World

  • When: Tuesday, October 5, 2021 at 3:00pm ET
  • Where: Science Friday’s Zoom webinar
  • Tickets: Free with RSVP

Marcelo Ardon, ecologist at NC State University, and Letitia Grenier, co-director of the Resilient Landscapes Program at San Francisco Estuary Institute, will join us to discuss the effects we are already seeing in coastal wetlands from climate change, and how restoring ecosystems might make an impact. Plus, what exactly is the difference between a tidal wetland and a saltwater marsh? 

Come for the collaborative ways experts are working together to address sea level rise head-on; leave with ideas for activating change in your community, no matter where you live.

Rewatch The Livestream

Virtual Event: How Do You Talk About A Problem Like Climate Change? With Elizabeth Rush

  • When: Tuesday, October 19, 2021 at 6:00pm ET
  • Where: Science Friday’s Zoom webinar
  • Tickets: Free with RSVP

Join producer Christie Taylor in conversation with Elizabeth Rush, author of this fall’s Book Club choice and whose work explores how humans adapt to changes and forces seemingly beyond their control, from ecological transformation to political revolution. We’ll talk about how we talk about climate change, the role of storytelling in making meaningful change, and who is missing from the conversation—and we’ll take your questions.

Rewatch The Livestream

Want to meet other SciFri Book Club members, talk about the book so far, and find more resources for deeper learning—all without leaving your home? Our community meetings are the place for you!

Book Club Chat: When Marshes Rot And Islands Disappear

  • When: Monday, October 11, 2021 from 5:00–6:30pm ET
  • Where: Science Friday’s Zoom meeting
  • Tickets: Free with RSVP

This discussion meeting will focus on our first week of reading (‘The Password’ to ‘The Marsh at the End of the World’, or pages 1-69). You’re welcome to join us if you haven’t completed these chapters, but know there will be mention of specific topics and ideas in the reading.

Rewatch is not available for this event

Book Club Chat: The Cost of Rising, Rebuilding, and Relocating

  • When: Monday, October 25, 2021 from 5:00–6:30pm ET
  • Where: Science Friday’s Zoom meeting
  • Tickets: Free with RSVP

This discussion meeting will focus on our second and third weeks of reading (‘Pulse’ to ‘Connecting the Dots’, or pages 71-205). You’re welcome to join us if you haven’t completed these chapters, but know there will be mention of specific topics and ideas in the reading.

Rewatch is not available for this event

Book Club Chat: Mitigation, Adaptation, And Defining Resiliency

  • When: Monday, November 1, 2021 from 5:00–6:30pm ET
  • Where: Science Friday’s Zoom meeting
  • Tickets: Free with RSVP

This discussion meeting will focus on our last week of reading (‘On Restoration’ to ‘Afterward’, or pages 206-264). You’re welcome to join us if you haven’t completed these chapters, but know there will be mention of specific topics and ideas in the reading.

Rewatch is not available for this event

Don’t forget to listen to Science Friday from 2:00-4:00pm every week! We’ll be hosting three conversations about this season’s pick throughout October.

On Air: Book Club On Science Friday, Part 1

  • When: Friday, October 1, 2021 between 2:00-4:00pm ET
  • Where: Your local radio station (or on our website!)
  • Tickets: Always free!

Book Club Captain Christie Taylor will be on Science Friday, discussing science topics with experts related to our book choice. Tune into your local radio station, listen live on our website, or download the episode wherever you get your podcasts to hear our interview!

Listen Here

On Air: Book Club On Science Friday, Part 2

  • When: Friday, October 15, 2021 between 2:00-4:00pm ET
  • Where: Your local radio station (or on our website!)
  • Tickets: Always free!

Book Club Captain Christie Taylor will be on Science Friday, discussing science topics with experts related to our book choice. Tune into your local radio station, listen live on our website, or download the episode wherever you get your podcasts to hear our interview!

Listen Here

On Air: Book Club On Science Friday, Part 3

  • When: Friday, October 29, 2021 between 2:00-4:00pm ET
  • Where: Your local radio station (or on our website!)
  • Tickets: Always free!

Book Club Captain Christie Taylor will be on Science Friday, discussing science topics with experts related to our book choice. Tune into your local radio station, listen live on our website, or download the episode wherever you get your podcasts to hear our interview!

Listen Here

Looking for something that’s the perfect blend between entertainment, education and interaction? Our gatherings offer something a bit different and are perfect for getting together with family and friends.

SciFri Trivia Night: Book Club Edition

  • When: Wednesday, November 3, 2020 at 8:30pm ET
  • Where: Science Friday’s YouTube livestream
  • Tickets: Free with RSVP

SciFri Trivia is a weekly gathering that’s part science-y facts, part dance party, and part pop culture romp, and it’s for anyone looking to bring together teams (or bravely play solo) to win ultimate bragging rights. It’s not all science trivia—but this time, we’ve diving into the topics and ideas explored in this Fall’s Book Club pick, Rising: Dispatches from the New American Shore.

If you haven’t read the book, you might be at a slight disadvantage to our Book Clubbers, but  we still think you should come (and we do suggest you should pick it up from your local library or bookstore)! The trivia will cover topics including but not limited to: changing ecosystems, rising tides, community voices, flooding, climate resiliency, and lots more.

RSVP for November 3

a calendar of events in october 2021, with text at the bottom reading: "Learn more about Rising by Elizabeth Rush and how to participate on our website:"

Meet the Writer

About Diana Plasker

Diana Plasker is the Senior Manager of Experiences at Science Friday, where she creates live events and partnerships to delight and engage audiences in the world of science.

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