Tama Matsuoka Wong is the forager for restaurant Daniel in New York City and enjoys relationships with organizations that include the Audubon Society and Slow Food. After more than twenty-five years as a financial services lawyer, she launched Meadows and More, LLC, to connect experts in the field of meadow restoration, botany, and wildlife with people in the community. In 2007, she was named Steward of the Year by the New Jersey Forest Service.
Scrap Your Dinner Plans
In their book Scraps, Wilt & Weeds, Mads Refslund and Tama Matsuoka Wong describe creative ways to use the parts of produce that we usually toss away.
Three Recipes for Leftover Produce
Here’s what you can do with kale scraps, carrot tops, and grapefruit peels.
Food Failures: Foraging Dos and Don’ts
Professional forager Tama Matsuoka Wong gives tips for picking wild plants safely and sustainably.
A Recipe for the Forager in You: Braised Beef, Dandelion Leaves, and Clear Noodles
A recipe from Tama Matsuoka Wong, using foraged ingredients.
From Rooftops and Abandoned Lots, an Urban Harvest
How about some rooftop honey or dandelion flower jelly? A look at city harvests.